Does your company utilize a portal partnership? With lead and subscription based portals speed is the name of the game and every second counts. When an interested party sends an information request about a property through one of these portals, you as an agent must receive the e-mail, check availability, confirm price, and then reply to the prospect. Auto OTA letters simplifies all of this.
With Auto OTA Letters, as a prospective lead comes in from any portal that Barefoot links with and is not transactional, the Agent 3.0c can manage this. The property in question is instantly checked for availability and a reply e-mail is generated. If the property is available, the reply directs the potential client to a quote and gives them the ability to book the sale. If the property is not available, a reply e-mail is sent out that can highlight other properties as well as an email to your agent stating we have an a lead that wanted a booked property.
This industry is competitive; Barefoot strives to give our customers the tools to be ahead of their competitor. We believe this is along with our new rewards program, auto letters, zip code, group capabilities just make Barefoot and our clients clearly the most innovative system on the market.