With the unveiling of information regarding Elon Musk's latest venture, the Hyperloop, set for 4:30 et today, my mind has been running wild with all the possibilities this could mean for vacation rentals. It is almost scary to realize how little attention this incredible possibility has garnished in some circles. If you haven't heard of the Hyperloop, it is a new transportation method that will cut cross country travel to a matter of minutes!
(David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images)
So what can this mean for your company? The answer is simple, everything!! On one hand we have to look at your target market and how you attract customers. Will this same method work when customers from California are travelling for one hour to get to your Vermont vacation homes? What about your clients who own homes across the country and only schedule time when they visit, formerly once a year? The reality is the world is changing as fast as the hyperloop may move and too many vacation rental companies are focusing on what was.
Vacation rentals are viewd as a mom and pop industry by many, including those involved in the industry. These industries are typically associated with great relationships and people, but also with outdated systems, inefficient methods and an emphasis on what has worked, not on what will work. If this news is not indicitave to you of how fast our indutrsy can change then perhaps nothing will ever be.
Elon Musk and his Hyperloop will be a game changer if the hype is lived up to and your rental markets will change drastically in the drop of a hat. So when this time comes, how fast will your software provider be able to adapt? If you dont have the confidence going forward that they will be able to keep up, perhaps now is the time for a change.