Every once in a while you find something that is so unique and exciting that you have to comment on it. We sit in our world, and watch everything pass by, and never really utilize the uniqueness of the opportunities that are afforded to us.
If you do not get email blasts from VRM Intel, you need to. Amy Hinote has been in our industry for years, and has unique insights, as well as excellent connections throughout the country. Her blog is well written, and has excellent insight into our industry.VRM Intel brought to our attention something that was done by Southern Shores Realty on Black Friday. This is one of the larger companies on the Outer Banks in North Carolina. They took an opportunity to offer discounts for those consumers who were looking for Black Friday opportunities. This Black Friday promotion (http://www.vrmintel.com/yield-management-gamble-pays-off-big-first-of-its-k…#!) yielded an increase of 243% in reservations, a 297% increase in revenue, and a 16% increase in per-reservation-value. How did you do on your Black Friday Promotions?
The Monday after is called Cyber Monday and would have been a great time to test your own marketing trail blazing. The key to this marketing plan is that Southern Shores went "off the grid" or looked to unconventional marketing for their initiatives. They did something very unique and have set the standard for their competition. Perhaps this promotion will get people to look at other unconventional ideas and try something unique and special themselves?
So are you a leader or a follower and do your marketing efforts reflect that? There are so many great ideas that are out there, that are helping businesses grow, and be more profitable.
Would you like to share your experiences with your peers? Comment with what you are doing that is unique. We'd love to hear what you have to say........
Article Written By: Mike Mueller