
Barefoot Integrated Partner -- TruPlace

No More “Where Am I?” Photos

TruPlace Interactive Floor Plans and Photos give your renters the best possible tour experience. By simply touching an area of a detailed floor plan of the property, a stunning professional photo will instantly appear - no load time, no waiting. By showing your guests the exact location of every photograph, they have a much better feel for how the property is configured and they are much more likely to book. The research proves it.

Proven to Increase Revenue

Independent research by VRMintel shows that TruPlace vacation rental customers book 18% more reservations than those who don’t have TruPlace. And they book 17% longer stays. This means more revenue for you and your homeowners.

Effortless Integration with Barefoot and Beyond

You and your reservation agents will love how easy TruPlace is to implement. We handle all of the image management for you. You don’t have to do any uploading, downloading, resizing or other tedious image tasks. We take care of it all.

Reservation agents love TruPlace because it allows them easy access, right from within Barefoot, to the floor plans and photos, which makes their job easier. On average, TruPlace clients book 17% faster than non-TruPlace clients. Guests can access the floor plans and photos from your site, as well as FlipKey.


Fast and Easy Implementation

Implementing TruPlace couldn’t be easier. If you don’t already have floor plans and photos, our trained professionals will photograph your properties using TruHDR, our proprietary processing that maximizes clarity while still retaining the tru-to-life quality of the image. You have to see this! They are absolutely beautiful and only TruPlace offers TruHDR.

We will also take careful measurements for the floor plan, which our team quickly creates. In a very short time, your floor plans and photos will be available for your guests to enjoy.

See TruPlace in Action